Monday, May 12, 2014

My Best Friend and I Went To Chicago: A Free Form Poem

My best friend and I went to Chicago
It was going to be the trip of the year
It was the trip of the year
We got in the car and drove for 9 hours
We got stopped in traffic
We ate at gas stations
We sang songs from frozen
My best friend and I drove to Chicago

My best friend and I arrived in Chicago
We were exhausted and hungry from the trip
Poor us we hadn't eaten 
In a couple hours
So we used our nice gift cards and ate at a restaurant
Then we laid our weary heads on fancy hotel pillows
But not before watching Supernatural on Netflix
My best friend and I arrived in Chicago 

My best friend and I woke up and ventured into Chicago
We went and visited a college we didn't want to go to
We talked to kids we had just met
We questioned why the school wasn't sending missionaries into the ghetto
Then we sat in on an apologetics class and ate free cafeteria food
We avoided the ghetto at all costs
Maybe not really asking those questions with sincere hearts
My best friend and I woke up and ventured into Chicago

My best friend and I walked through Chicago
We parked our car in a safe place and bought a ventra public transit card
I encountered my first homeless man
Face to face but I didn't have any cash
So I kept walking
I didn't even bother to pray
We went in and out of stores
Sang songs as we skipped down the streets
Went into a creepy art museum and complained about wasting eight dollars
All the while walking past another man who didn't have eight dollars to waste
We saw art and architecture
Faced my fear of heights by visiting the John Hancock tower
Briefly complained that we didn't have enough money 
To buy ridiculous outfits for kids we don't have
Passing by another man that didn't have enough money for lunch
My best friend and I walked through Chicago

My best friend and I went back to out hotel
We had, had an amazing day in the city
Just two best friends roaming around
Making amazing memories
Exploring new places
But we were tired and we needed sleep
Needed to rest up for our next big day in the city
I got a little car sick
Ate some crackers
Went to sleep
Felt Better
My best friend and I went back to our hotel

My best friend and I went back into Chicago
We went to Millennial Park and saw the bean
We went and watched a Polish Day parade
My best friend made a new friend
He was a drunk Polish kid
A strange man decided to talk to us
He made us nervous
So we got lost in the crowd of people
We saw protesters at the parade
I don't know what they were protesting
Maybe they just hated the polish
Then we got on a train and went to the Navy Pier
We passed another man
He wanted to let us know that Jesus was coming back
I already know this
I wonder if he knows that he's chasing people away
Not drawing them to God
Then I walked past another homeless man
I didn't help him
Did I chase him away?
My best friend and I went back into Chicago

My best friend and I made it to the Navy Pier
We rode a carousel because she loves me
I rode the Ferris wheel because I love her
We walked to the water
Took beautiful city skyline pictures
I never encountered anyone in need at the Pier
I left with a clear conscious 
I didn't question myself
Or feel guilt because I couldn't help anyone
I enjoyed the day
My best friend and I made it to the Navy Pier

My best friend and stayed a little too late in Chicago
We ended up on the wrong side of town
Taking the subway with a drug dealer, inappropriate college kids, and people who could care less
I passed several homeless men and I could do nothing
As we came out of the subway I learned what fear can feel like
A group of men yelled at us
Tried to block us
And almost followed us
They got distracted and we were free
I hope the girl that distracted them is okay
I asked a cop making a dirty deal how to find the bus stop
I think he contemplated shooting me before he gave me directions
We finally found the bus stop and stood with the only other white girl
I wondered if I was racist
I didn't think racism was still a thing in my world
But she felt safe
I could feel guilty about that later
I saw a girl working
She was walking the streets and something rose up inside of me
My heart broke
I went to talk to her
To give her a number she could call so she could get help
I saw her pimp across the street
I knew if I tried to help her or talk to her he would punish her
I would only make things worse
So I let her go
We finally got on the bus and I didn't let anyone see me stifle me tears for her
We made it back the car safe and sound
My best friend and I stayed a little too late in Chicago

My best friend I made it home
I slept for seven hours of the nine hour drive
We left the city behind us 
Made a lot of memories
Did I a lot of cool things
Have a lot of fun stories to tell
Pictures to share
We plan on making it an annual trip
We only talk about the good things
We try to forget the faces of those we couldn't help
Next year the trip will have a purpose
It will be our get away
Our bonding time trip to leave home and responsibility behind
But, we'll pack some spare change
So that maybe we can buy that man a ride to the shelter
Chicago was an adventure
It changed me
Now I'm back to the daily grind
We'll have to go back though
To get the piece of me I left behind
My best friend and I made it home

~ Carrots

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Day I Joined A Corrupt Government and Persecuted Christians

     Now I know what you're thinking...actually okay I don't. I can guess that it's somewhere along the lines of, "What the heck is she talking about? What kind of psycho is writing this blog?" Just do me a favor and hear me out...listen to what I have to say. Don't stop reading and walk away or you'll have a very misconstrued view of who I am and what I stand for. Also, please don't report me to anybody and get me arrested, it wasn't real. I didn't actually for real persecute Christians. It was a simulated role playing event. Please, just give me a chance. Have you every done role playing? Cosplay? Hey, there Whovians...I know you have. So, it was kind of like that but we were pretending to be real people in real situations. So, while it wasn't "real" for us, it's real for several people out there in the world.
     Last year I participated in World Awareness as part of the persecuted church an it was intense. I went to "prison" and the "refugee camp" and whatnot. We had breaks during the days where we would watch movies such as Defiance and A War To End All Wars and listen to speakers from various organizations such as Voice of The Martyrs. I learned so much last year participating. I learned about sacrifice and taking a stand for what I believe. God used that year to speak to me about how he calls us to handle persecution, I learned a lot. But this post isn't about last year. It's about this year.
     This year I was part of the corrupt government. Our story is that we were a new government that believed in equality for all religions and that there wasn't only one way to Heaven. So, if you were part of a radical religion that taught your way was the only true way (Christianity, Islam, etc.) then we were there to help you and reeducate you. Very passive aggressive. We also had back stories that we were given so when we were around undergrad interns (aka the persecuted church) we would have a character to speak with them to and a story to tell them. My back story was that I had two older brother, Mark and Bentley (yep, they got names!). My older brother Bentley joined the army and went over seas to fight for the "Peace and Safety" (our "government" motto) of our Country. While he was over seas he was killed and when they sent my brother's body back home to have his funeral "Christians" came and told me that my brother had deserved to die, that God wanted my brother dead, that God was happy that my brother had been killed. As a result of this protesting and hatred towards my family my other older brother, Mark, killed himself. As a result of this I blamed Christians for his death. (Let me take a break and a moment to clarify that this was my roleplaying persona and I am a Christian and I firmly believe that the people that do these things *coughwestborosough* are not an actual representation of Christ and his love nor of the rest of Christianity...and I have no brothers that were killed. Although I did pull from real life experiences I've had with Westboro due to living in Kansas and the death of someone I went to High School with. ) So, that was my back story and my "character" was bitter.
     The purpose of this LTE (Life Transforming Event) is to make interns more aware of the persecuted church and to get them to really think about their faith and how they would handle persecution. So, as part of the government is to make the experience real. We chase after the refugee camp and we arrest people and take them to the "reeducation" facility. There we just challenge them and ask them questions about their faith. Here interns have a chance to show us the love of Christ or rebel. It's interesting...a lot of things happened that weekend and I did a lot of things but I really just want to talk about one of those things.
     On the last night we had some refugees do a raid in an attempt to rescue prisoners. They came in with air soft guns and started shooting agents and yelling at people to go. The kid leading the raid just went crazy. At the time of the raid I was on the guys side of the "prison" (AKA shower house) and I was talking to one of the guys about his faith and this kid was nailing it. I was contemplating either letting this kid go or converting. He was amazing in showing me the love of Christ and standing firm in his faith. I told this kid my back story and he apologized and told me about his faith and how Jesus really wants him to act, etc. Then one of his buddies comes in and starts shooting people so in my roleplaying mind everything he has said as just become void because his Christian buddies are not living up to what he's been claiming. Then one guy puts a gun to one of my guys' chest. I remember the "agent" looking at him and saying, "according to your belief system if you shoot me I go to Hell. Are you willing to send me to Hell?" The kid shoots him point blank. (air soft gun reminder!) and so my buddy "died". Then this kid comes over and twists my wrist until I drop my gun. He then tries to hand the gun to the guy that I had been talking to. This was the test. To my amazement the kid in the cell refused to take the gun and told him not to touch me anymore. Then he came out of his cell to protect me from all of the other raiders. He never took a gun and he never tried to run. He amazed me. Later I asked him why if they believe in this loving God why they would come in here and send to of my friends to Hell. His answer, "I don't know and I'm sorry. What they did was wrong. I don't agree with them and I wish I could have stopped them. Just know that, that wasn't God's will. God loves you...please don't hold this against God and the rest of us."
     This year I learned that people are right and wrong. But one kid in a cell humbled me and showed me the greatest act of role playing human kindness I've ever seen. But, he was sincere and I believe that had the guns been real and I been truly against him he would have acted the exact same. That kid challenged me to love everyone I come in contact with, even my enemies. That kid called me to a higher level of love.