Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is that really going on?

Have you ever heard about something for the first time and had your heart ache? That explained my entire trip to North Carolina. Everywhere we went we met people with extreme stories involving being trafficked and heard new statistics about trafficking. For example the average age of a girl entering into trafficking is 12 years old. Do you know a child that age? How can people look at a child, A CHILD and think "oh we could sell that for sex"? My answer only a very twisted person, a person so obsessed with money that they have completely neglected others unalienable rights.

If you have read the Deceleration of Independents they describe as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I personally think holding someone against their will and selling them for sex or labor is a direct violation of all their rights. For example if you are holding someone against their will it is preventing all their liberty. If they are being held and not able to make their own decisions it is preventing them from pursuing any happiness. And last but not least if you are holding someone making them do things that no human should have to do, causing them to break their heart and soul to the point they no longer feel human. You may not have killed them but you are preventing them from having any sort of life.

Another fact I discovered during my trip to North Carolina was: that trafficking (for sex or labor) was the third largest illegal market just under drugs and illegal firearms. Trafficking is on the rise and could very likely surpass either drugs or guns. Mostly because you can only sell your drugs or firearms once. Whereas if you sell a human for sex you can sell them over and over again. Instead of losing it once it is sold, you could sell it over and over again. The drugs will last in your hand a few seconds until it is gone whereas a girl will last about seven years (national average lifespan for someone being trafficked). Any smart business man is going to pick the product that they are not going to have to restock constantly. Again what makes people think of this stuff.

I know I am only scratching the surface of trafficking and statistics if you want to know more check it out for yourself. Issues always make more of an impact if you find the info for yourself. Some good links to check out are on our "Organizations to keep in mind" page.

“Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” -William WIlberforce

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