Sunday, September 8, 2013

No Longer Will I Be Timid

Of all the things in life that I don't want to be. Of all the things I won't be; I refuse to be timid. I have stood in the shadows too long. I have been one of life's grand followers, always allowing fear to hold me back. Fear of rocking the boat, of being rejected, hurting people's feelings, being abandoned, of failing, etc. I have tiptoed for too long. I have let other people's dreams guide me for too long. I have been the people pleaser for too long. I want to love people. I want to bring peace and unity. I'm not out to run over people or hurt people to get my way. But, I am done being fearful. I am done being a door mat. I am done being silent. I have a dream. I have a voice. I have something to say. I will be a voice for the voiceless. I will not apologize for truth. I will not back down just because you don't appreciate what I have to say. I have a purpose and calling on my life. I have a purpose far greater than my feelings and my doubts. There is a world that needs me to tell my story. There are broken hearts that need me to be bold. No longer will I tip toe through life for fear of being rejected or hurt or failing. I will run, hop, skip, and dance. I will fly through life. I will run my race with endurance and I will bring people with me. No long am I timid and afraid. I am bold. I have strength. When my life is over I will cross the finish line with a shout of victory and not a whimper and exhaustion. I will finish with my head held high and my arms raised skyward because I am victorious. I am strong. I am a warrior.

~ Carrots
"The Future is yet an untrodden path full of wonderful possibilities." - L.M. Montgomery Anne Of Avonlea

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