In my mind Texas is the place where Justice prevails every time, people work hard for what they have, everyone's honest, and the good guy still rides in a saves the day. Texas is still old fashioned in my mind. Full of farmers, cowboys, and Chuck Norris. If you hurt a kid or kill someone there is no insanity pleads or allowances. You kill someone and you're killed...never to kill again. If you want something you work for it and if you have something it's because you worked for it. Everyone has a fair chance it's just up to you to take it. Plus, Chuck Norris. I mean seriously if Chuck Norris is in a place it's a safe place. In my mind Texas is full of God fearing people and morals and ethics aren't corrupt. Biblical standards are upheld and life is good and sweet. Now, I only visit Texas a couple of times a year and I always go to the Honor Academy campus. So, I don't see a whole lot of Texas and I don't know very many people that are Texas born and breed. For all I know the rest of Texas could be horrible.
The reason I share this is because I recently went to Texas and and going back in a couple weeks and the as soon as I crossed the state line I felt peace and nostalgia for something I have never known. A perfect world. Whether it be Texas or not I think everyone has a place that for them represents idealism and a hypothetically perfect world. That is perfectly okay. If it can take the edge off of daily cynicism to pretend that there's a place within reach that is ideal then go for it. Just remember the earth is temporary and there will never be perfection until we reach Heaven. But, while I'm here I'll keep dreaming to Texas.
~ Carrots
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