Monday, February 17, 2014

This Post Has No Real Point, But It Sure Feels Poetic

     Today is is so beautiful outside. I keep finding excuses to go outside...because man it's beautiful. The breeze, the sun, the smells, the colors; all of it. So Perfect. I feel like I'm living in a dream. Like everything is right in the world. Like everything is okay. There's this complete Utopia feeling that comes with spring. Innocence...the air feels like innocence. Like I'm a girl again. Running through the grass, bare feet on the soft grass. I feel like I should be running with my cousins through the woods playing games of our own inventing. Pretending that my built in best friend, friends since birth, is still right there next to me. That we haven't grown up, haven't gone our separate ways, that he doesn't have someone in his life more important than me, that I don't have someone I'm closer to now than him. That he's still my number one and I'm still his. It's funny how growing up does that. It takes the closest of friends and drags you apart until you wake up one day and realize that, that's not the first person you go to anymore. That's not the person you whisper your secrets to anymore. That you aren't young a barefoot anymore playing in fields. We are adults...or something like that. We have responsibilities. We have rules. There's no more room for pretending and holding hands in the dark doesn't make the danger go away. Now there are real the monsters are real. Childhood is gone...gone so quickly. This post has no point other than to say it's beautiful outside. The beauty reminds me of childhood. It makes me miss it. Makes me miss my best friend. We were best friends for 18 years and then...then we grew up. Life does that. So by the's beautiful outside. Go and make the most of this day. Make the most of the time you have to pretend you're a kid again. Reminiscence about childhood. Don't let go.


~ Carrots

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