Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Book Asks

I haven't written a blog in a bit...and while I have some swirling around in my head this is just for fun. Maybe you'll get some good recommendations out of it. Who knows.

1: What's the first book you can remember reading as a child? Little Critter and The Nutcracker...I made my parents read me the Nutcracker every night for months.

2: Do you have any playlists you listen to while reading? Not playlists...I tend to listen to piano guys or Ed Sheeran though for reading music. Most of the time I don't listen to any music, I just read.

3: Where's your favorite place to read? I actually prefer tables or desks...but I love reading in a huge chair wrapped in a warm fluffy blanket.

4: Have you ever recommended a book that ruined someone else's life? What was it? I got my dad to read The Hunger Games....he hasn't quite been the same since Mockingjay, haha.

5: Which book had the greatest impact on your life? This is a tie between 3 different books (other than the Bible). The first one would be Hope Was Here by Joan Buar I don't know how to explain it but even when I read that book now I feel excited and hopeful. I feel like that book taught me that a completely ordinary girls can go through hell and still be okay and still accomplish something great and follow her dreams. The second Anne of Green Gables for obvious reasons (hello I am Carrots), just the lessons that I learned. It gave me a great role model, taught me to use my imagination and strength, that I can do things on my own, and so much more. Beyond The Soiled Curtain if you don't know my passion is to fight Human Trafficking and this book just broke me. It made me more passionate and opened my eyes and understanding to what I could potentially be getting myself in to.

6: Which author would you be thrilled to go out for coffee with? oh my gravy so many... June Rae Wood, Joan Buar, Mildred D Taylor, JK Rowling, Rick Riordan...Kevin Brooks for sure!
7: What questions would you ask your favorite author given the chance? I think more than anything I want to hear their personal stories and what first inspired them to write. Hear stories about the real life people that inspired their characters.
8: Which character can you relate to most? I honestly don't know...I'll go with Delrita Jensen from Turtle On A Fence Post just because that's who popped into my head first.

9: Do you have a goodreads account? yes I do.

10: Do you read fanfiction? read it, write it....ya know

11: Do you watch any booktubers? no I do not.

12: What's the prettiest book cover you've seen? I'm in love with the cover of Impossible by Nancy Werlin

13: Have you ever met any authors in person? I haven't but when I was in middle school I wrote and received 3 or 4 letters to and from June Rae Wood.

14: If you had to switch lives with one book character, who would it be? Caitlin from Lucas just because I feel like even though she has a rough life she gets to spend time with such an incredible person and that would be cool. or that would be stinking awesome.

15: If you were to live in any universe from books you've read, which would it be? The Percy Jackson universe for sure.

16: What is the absolute worst book you've ever read? Journey to The Center of The Earth I just hated it so much

17: Preferred reading format-- ebooks, physical books, or both? Physical but that's mainly because my eyes are bad and it hurts them to read e-books

18: When is the best time to read a book (in your opinion)? I don't have a specific time I would recommend reading....just whenever when you're in the mood for it.

19: Which books are at the top of your tbr list for 2015? Harry Potter, yeah I know...I haven't actually read them yet. Barbed Wire Butterflies, Two Kissed For Maddy, God In A Brothel, Living Like Lions, Full Circle, The Crooked Mirror, and that's just the beginning of the list.

20: Which movie adaptations of a book were actually amazing and which made you cringe? The Hunger Games did well, and even though it was nothing like the book I actually really liked the movie version of The Giver. I absolutely hated the movie adaption of Percy Jackson but I'm kind of in love with Jake Abel so what can a girl do? My Sister's Keeper was horrible too! Seriously...ya'll killed the wrong kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21: What are your top 3 books of 2014? I don't actually think that any of them came out in 2014 but they are my top 3 books that I read in 2014 for the first time! Imposter by Susanne Winnacker, Sometimes God Has a Kid's Face by Bruce Ritter, and A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

Hope you enjoyed it and maybe found some books to read :)
~ Carrots