Organizations to keep in mind

Carrot's Picks

  • Love146: this is personally one of my favorite anti-sex trafficking organizations. Their story is amazing and they are sincere and legit in what they do. They work with Sex Trafficking victim around the world and they are fantastic. To learn more, support, or get involed with this fantastic Non-Profit visit their website Love146.
  • Courage Worldwide: They are the very first anti-Sex Trafficking organization I was ever involved with. I even wear their awareness bracelet everyday. They are based in the United State and work in The United States which is why I LOVE them. I even thought about working for them. They are very pro-active in the fight against trafficking and are just so full of love for the girls that come into their safe houses. They just astound me in so many ways. Visit their site Courage Worldwide
  • Abort73: They're full of facts, gear, and ways to get involved in the Pro-Life movement without screaming at Pro-Choicers and throwing bricks. Abort73
  • Polaris Project: The Polaris Project is a quick and easy way to learn more about Human Trafficking and plug into to local organizations. They do state by state statistics and keep tabs on trafficking across the country. You can check them out here.
  • Rise-Up Ministries: This is an AMAZING organization run by an AMAZING woman. I had the fantastic opportunity to spend ten days working with Rise Up and Justice Ministries (below). Let me tell you this is the most solid org there is. They do prevention, education, outreach, and rescue.  I am honored to have been given the chance to work them and I hope for more in the future! To learn more about them click here.
  • Justice Ministries: While working with Rise Up I also worked with Justice Ministries (because technically Rise Up is a part of JM) JM handles the security for rescues and outreach plus all of the paperwork. They are also amazing and are totally solid. Check then out here.
  • There are tons more Pro-Life and Anti-Human Trafficking organizations that I support but I have to leave room for my Crowhead's things if you want to learn about some more organizations or have questions about anything involving Sex Trafficking or Abortion feel free to comment or message me....if that's possible.
Crowhead's Picks

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