Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Together but apart

Crowhead here and I am a jerk. Carrots so eloquently wrote about our friendship and even brought me to tears as she talked about it. While sadly I couldn't say anything as beautiful about our friendship. Not because I don't value our friendship but because I am truly speechless when it comes to our friendship. 

When I think if Carrots and my friendship I think of a James 5:16 friendship. James 5:16 in the Amplified says this: Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. 

If that doesn't describe our friendship I don't know what would. I can and have told Carrots so many things about my life but she never belittles me or makes fun of me she prays and encourages me. When the verse says confess I mean confess. Not just lightly push around the subject and not specify details. I mean confess it all. The good, the bad, and the shameful.  Once those things are in the open between you it gives both of you the opportunity to be accountable. Her being held accountable to keep me in prayer. Me accountable to having someone to talk to about the hard things that I am going through.  In exchange when she is going through something she knows she can come to me as well. 

I touched on this slightly but the second half of James 5:16 talks about praying for one another. Which is huge when it comes to the close bosom friend relationship that we have. If you know the  trials of someone else's life shouldn't you be praying for them? Not only should you be the others biggest supporter but also one of their biggest spiritual coverings. 

I don't know how I could have lived the last year of my life without Carrots. And I can't wait to see where we will go and serve God together. Seperate we are strong, but together we can do many mighty things for the good of the kingdom! 

"A bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. I've dreamed of meeting her all my life. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will too. Do you think it's possible?' -Anne of Green Gables

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