Thursday, February 6, 2014

That person looks so...

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But then 2 seconds later you hear the media tell you you're only beautiful if you look a certain way. The choice is yours. Who are you going to believe? The infamous "they" that everyone talks about, but no one actually know who they are. Or pop culture media?
      Too many people choose to listen to media. Feeling the shame of not looking a certain way or pressure to change so they can fit into what society thinks they should look like. This is happening more and more. Younger and younger kids are facing pressure to look a certain way. I personally think that is wrong. With all the social media and electronics we have in our lives we should be using it to become more open minded about the people around us.   Not using the tools that we have at our disposal to hurt and destroy people. Cyber bullying is a constant problem. 

  We need to start looking at the first option of beauty. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". We are all beautiful, and there are things about ourselves that we love. Like I love my eyes. Use the love you have for yourself even if it is the smallest thing like loving your eyes and use it for good. Start doing your make up in a way that draws attention to your eyes. Start valuing the small aspects of yourself and soon you will start finding bigger things about yourself that you love. It sounds lame but trust me I've done it. 

   Another way to start bringing up self image. Go to the word. Find what God has to say. I could give you a list of verses that I have used but finding them and discovering for yourself is so much more meaningful. Dig, ponder, pray over the Bible you will find something that stands out to you. 

We all have many views and ideas about what we want our lives to look like. Does your life look harder or easier when you are looking down about what you look like? Or when you are enjoying who and how God has made you?

You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. (Song of Solomon 4:7 ESV)

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