Wednesday, March 5, 2014

KAITLIN: And The Year She Fell Off A Car, Couldn't Get a Job, And Learned How To Be A Leader

     At Honor Academy of The Ozarks we have these fantastic things call Mid-Year Defenses. Basically half way through your year (there's a Grad Defense at the end of the year) you do some sort of presentation to answer a list of questions and explain how you've grown and why you should be allowed to finish your year. They want you to be creative. My Undergrad year I did a Video of interviews for my Mid-Year and Prezi for my Grad....this time for my Mid-Year I made a comic! I want to share it with you guys! I know some of the strips kind of need explaining...I apologize that that's not going to happen unless you directly ask me in comments or something. So, here is a comic about my GI year.


So there ya go. Hope you enjoyed it.
~ Carrots

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