Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why You Need To Watch Girl Meets World

     A few weeks ago my appendix ruptured and I spent a while in the hospital, a while at my parents house, and a few days at my grandparents house. I also spent a lot of time watching TV, mostly Girl Meets World. Let me just tell you, that you need to watch it. First of all I love Boy Meets World and if you love BMW I promise you will love GMW if for no other reason than all of the BMW alum and references. It's just a good show. I watched Girl Meets Rileytown last about a for real episode. I cried. It's entertaining and addresses real issues such as bullying. It's also funny and witty, unlike most kids shows these days. All of the actors and actresses are adorable and if you don't ship Maya with Josh you're a liar. Josh...another reason to watch. Uriah Shelton...enough said. So there....I pushed it, go watch it!

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