Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog Challenge Day 3: Your Favorite TV Show

     This is actually a little difficult so let me just give you the short list.
1. Boy Meets World
     This show is just great all the way around. It's funny and light hearted and then deals with real life issues and lessons the next minute. It has wonderful, hilarious, wise, and real characters. It's just a show about growing up. It also has the greatest love story ever, Shawn and Cory (obviously), haha....but really Cory and Topanga are great. Nothing will ever rival the friendship between Shawn and Cory though. Eric is always there to make you laugh and then to make you cry and Feeney will always be there do guide you through life. It's full of laughter, tears, question, answers, growth, and change. What more do you want in a show?

2. Gilmore Girls
    This show is just so great. I could binge watch Gilmore Girls for days...in fact I have. I am totally team Jess, by the way. There is so much sassyness in that show and it's funny. It has my personal favorite will they, won't they relationship in all of TV history. I like to pretend that Luke and Lorelai are back together. Watching Rory grow up and change. Rory and Lorelai's relationship. Emily and Lerelai's relationship is fun to watch. I personally love Richard Gilmore. It's just a great show for young women...actually for any women to watch. Filled with very strong and very different women. To me it very much so presents the, all women are fantastic and powerful, message and I for one love it! It shows a real family with real issues but, despite all of the silence and fights and years of not speaking, they do still love each other. Also Luke....if nothing else watch the show for the incredible, sarcastic, grumpy, yet loving, and generous Luke Danes. The man is pretty much the greatest. Who's excited for the Netflix reboot?!?!? I know it'll be wonderful and it will also rip my heart out. RIP Edward Hermann aka Richard Gilmore.

3. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
     If you haven't ever watched this....do it now. This is totally one of those shows I watch for the side characters and to cry out all of my pent up emotions. Buffy is good, I like her but if I'm honest Buffy is the last reason I watch the show. The first reason is Xander Harris...aka ultimate best friend in the world. He's hilarious, he is always there when someone needs him (like dark Willow :'( :') ) That episode gave me all the feels. He has wonderful words of wisdom. Xander is the glue that hols everyone together. He also has really really sad things happen to him. Which makes me bawl. His relationship with Willow is my favorite relationship ever and I totally shipped them...basically until Oz showed up because Oz and Willow were perfect. Then Oz left and Willow became a lesbian, but not the point. Xander and Willow being best friends is incredible because they are the best of all best friends. It's safe to say I'm pretty in love with Xander. Willow...I love Willow. I love Willow because I am Willow...just not gay. I feel for Willow. I identify with Willow. I wish my hair would look like Willow's. I just Willow. Then Oz was around for a while and Oz was perfect until he left. I watched for Oz for a while because he was just so mellow and chill and always relaxed. The whole two times he wasn't totally chill it made you jump (literally I jumped when he threw the vase and the time he yelled) and sometimes cry. Giles...everyone needs a Giles. Giles is like the perfect dad who's not actually your dad. Anya, Spike, Dawn, even Jonathan. Buffy is for sure one of those shows I watch for the characters. If you ever need a good cry just watch season 6.

4. Dance Academy
     This a teen age drama show set in a ballet school. I love it. I actually enjoy watching the dancing and honestly I enjoy getting caught up the ridiculous friendships, relationships, rivalries, etc. It's not really funny but it's not sad either. The end of season 2 and beginning of season 3 will absolutely rip your heart out but other than that it's your pretty standard show geared towards teens and I love it. I will say this. Of all the shows that I have watched all the way through Dance Academy has the most fulfilling series finale. It could have gone and it did end with me going, "wait I need more! What's happening with so and so..." but it had one of the better wrap ups and closure moments of all of the shows I've watched.

5. Baby Daddy
     Baby Daddy is just funny. Plain and simple. It's about a young single dad raising his daughter with the help of his brother and best friend. It's just funny. I watch it because it's funny. It has the mandatory love triangle and gives you people to cheer for. (Totally want Danny and Riley to be a thing!!) It has it's moments that are serious and maybe even make you tear up but it's a comedy through and through.

     So there it is ladies and gents. My short list! Hope you enjoyed!

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