Saturday, March 12, 2016

Blog Challenge Day One!!

    I have decided to do the 30 Day Blog Challenge!!! However, here is my disclaimer, it will not be for 30 straight days because I don't have internet every day. I basically just have all of the things necessary for the 30 day blog challenge and I'm going to do them in order to a) write more frequently and b) so we can all get to know each other a little better. So here we go.

DAY ONE: Five Ways To Win Your Heart

Five ways to win my here goes.

1) Read books, read books I recommend to you and then discuss them with me! Recommend books to me. Just books!

2) Let me ramble. I have many interests and obsessions. I like so many books, bands, shows, movies, and people. I never just "like" something, I obsess. I'm going to analyze fictional characters, and tell you about the same singer everyday for a month. Just listen. Let me talk. Let me go on and on about Anne of Green Gables, and Casey Breves, the difference between Spiderman movies and Spiderman comics, Captain America, and Dance Academy. Eventually I will stop and it'll be your turn. I know you probably don't care but the fact that you listen makes me feel good.

3) Remember what I'm passionate about and ask me how it's going. This is the serious stuff. Like my passion to fight sex trafficking. Ask me about it. Remember it.

4) Chocolate and Gummy bears. Seriously, it's that easy.

5) Initiate conversation but don't force it. As all of my friends can attest to I am very introverted. I love my friends and I like hanging out with people but I also really really like time to myself. I even really like being with people, without being with people. I like it when I can hang out with someone and talk and laugh....and I also really like it when I can sit in the same room as someone and daydream or read or whatever without being interrupted.

     So there we have it. Day one of the blog challenge done and now you know 5 ways to win my heart should you desire to do so. I'm out!!

~ Carrots

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