Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dear Little Girl; Be Restored

Dear Little Girl with dirt on your faces and bruises on your arms
You are strong.
Don't let them tell you otherwise.
Don't let them steal your life
I know sometimes it's hard
Life is hard
This world is cruel

The nights grow longer
The dark gets colder
You're wondering if this will ever end
Hands grab you
Feet kick you
Words are hurled 
You're used

These things are flung in your face
They stick to you like glue
Identifying you
Labeling you
You start to wonder
Do they speak the truth?

Someone once told you they loved you
You don't remember who
Or when
What does love even feel like?
Does it really exist?

Love is just a term used to get ahead
To manipulate emotions
To bend people to your will
Love is a lie

Dear little girl  
I am here to speak truth
Won't you let me in?
Little girl put down your fists and look at me
Listen to me
I'm not here to hurt you

Love is not a lie
It does exist
I am sorry it's been so long since you've felt it
Sorry that I didn't come sooner to show it

I couldn't protect you
Couldn't shield you
Didn't even warn you
But, I'm here now
That has to count for something

You are bright
Full of life

Hands that hurt you
Abuse you
Used you
Don't let them define you

Wash off the mud
Wash off the grime
The words that were stuck to you, no longer define
They are not who you are
Nor who you will become
They were merely weapons
Meant to break
A pretty little girl that shines

You are stronger than that
Taller than that
Better than that
Smarter than that

I know it hurts
I know it's hard
It's time to walk away from the past
Follow a new path
Forgive and forget
Start again
New life

They only told you lies
They only hurt you
But I am here to help you heal
Speak truth
Bring you life

You are brave and Beautiful
My dear little one you are fierce
You have much to offer
An amazing story to share
A tale of recovery and redemption
Of hope renewed

You will change the world
Make a difference
Save a life

Arise from dust and ashes
Walk anew in wondrous life
You are loved 
Precious one
You my dear are light

So sing your song
Dance you dance
Say what you have to say
You are healed, restored, given strength for each new day
Change the world with your story, my love
Dear little girl, be brave


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