Sunday, August 18, 2013

From here to there funny things are everywhere

If you have read the description of our blog (or even the name) it is talking about two countries and one blog. You ask how can that work since we are both in the same country? Easy answer I leave for Canada tomorrow. It sounds easy but have you ever packed to move to another country. It is subtly harder than packing to move anywhere else in the states.  Here are a few examples; since I am flying I have a 50 pound weight limit per bag, I also have to pay per bag. So this leaves me with 2 bags and 100 pounds I am able to pack. That doesn't seem too hard but wait there is more.
Do you know how much an average book weighs? I don't either but books have this weird property where you put a few together and suddenly they weigh like 20x what they did before. Don't believe me try it. This fact makes packing hard. The first bag I packed had about 50 books all stuffed into it. Sadly that bag ended up weighing like 100 pounds (I'm not sure I didn't actually weigh it, but it took both my dad and I to carry it up the stairs). So now attempt number two I am hoping is a success.
How do you pack all your clothes? If you are like me you have a lot of clothes. I ended up with clothes in every one of my bags even both of my carry-ons. (I am now in the middle of traveling) I have so much stuff!! I can't believe that they actually let me through security. But they did so I am on my way. As of now I have one flight down and two more to go. The first flight I was on was with a really talky guy which always makes the time fly. Now I am stuck in layover limbo. I am here in Houston (yes I am going to Canada from Missouri. No I have no idea why the airlines decided to send me south instead of north) too late to explore,  too early to get a gate. So I have found a food court and am just hanging out, watching the interesting people go by. The ones that know where they are going, the ones who are lost, the ones who are late, and since I am in Texas way too many people with cowboy hats. If I was here any longer I would consider getting one. Hopefully a cute one maybe teal or green. Sadly I have no where to put a hat and I am already wearing a hat so it might be more in the way than anything else.
The next airport I go to is Calgary, Alberta. One of my all time favorite airports. I have been there so many times that I know where I am going and what I am doing next. Best of all it is in Canada so I can get a nice cup of Tim Horton's coffee and just sit back and relax while waiting for my flight.
Sadly upon my arrival in Calgary I didn't have time or want to spend the effort to stand in the Tim Horton's line. So I sadly went without. I went through customs and the airport without even and even ended up in the gate I always end up in. The pit at the end of the line. If you know anything about they Calgary airport you know that it is very well laid out except for gate A1-A8. Which are all clumped together in a group down at the bottom of an escalator then when your flight is called you have to walk a million miles to actually get to your plane. Not a lot of fun.
I made it to my final destination without to much event and am now ready to start my next season of life in Canada!

"I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be." -Douglas Adams

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