Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Have Amnesia and Only Remember Tumblr....


     If you don't know I have a Tumblr account...and a horrid addiction to tumblr as well. If you want to know what tumblr is or see mine head over to my about me page (Carrots by the way) and scroll down to the bottom and somewhere in that jumbled mess is a link to my tumblr account (Crowhead has one as well at the bottom of her about page). there's this post going around tumblr that says "Imagine that you wake up and all you can remember is your tumblr username and password and you have to try and figure out who you based on your tumblr posts" and the comments, jokes, pictures, and gifs are added to make it funny. Some joke about not knowing anything about themselves or becoming different; just random stuff like that. Then I started looking at my tumblr as if my tumblr was teaching me who I was... I pretended that all I know about myself is what's on my tumblr and it's actually pretty scary.

     My tumblr is full of Anne Of Green Gables, Jake Abel, Boy Meets World, Supernatural, LOST, Percy Jackson, Jimmy Stewart, and puns...and if you scroll long enough you'll find the occasional Bible verse, photograph, or testimony but that's buried among pages of fandom after fandom.  If I had no memory I would be sitting there going who is that? Who is that? Why is he so important? Do I know him? Where are they? Charlie? Gilbert Blythe? Who is Adam and why is he in hell? How do I fit into this? How do they fit into my life? Then randomly I come across a Bible verse and thing how does this relate to the rest of it? Is this who I am? I start this who I am. From looking at Tumblr I can't even tell the basics about myself. I don't know my favorite color, my name, my age, anything about my family, friends, my  favorite foods, what I like to do on rainy days....nothing. The description tells me that I love Jesus, I'm Pro-Life, I fight Sex Trafficking, I love Relient K, Jake Abel, Percy Jackson, and PBR.

     I love tumblr...don't get me wrong. I love my fandoms and I am one of the biggest fangirls you'll ever meet. Just ask Crowhead, she has seen two Jake Abel movies with me in theatres, and she spent all summer watching Anne Of Green Gables with me. So, yes, I like all of that stuff. It's fun. I like it. It makes me happy. I'm part of a me fandoms are like big huge crazy families that stick up for each other. Trust me....we do. But, is this how I really want to be known to the world? Do I want to be known as just someone in a fandom? I could be using my tumblr to reach people for Christ. I could us it to raise awareness about Sex Trafficking. I could use it to help people. If all someone knows about me is what's on my tumblr then they're missing who I am. Because, I am who I am because of Christ. My identity is in Christ. Is Christ being shown through my tumblr? Or facebook, twitter, or even this blog? Am I using these things to make a difference? That post on tumblr really challenged me and convicted me to start using my resources to reach people that need Jesus. To touch lives and not just blend in to a fandom. So think about it. What do you have that you could be using to change the world.


     P.S. I'm not going to stop fangirling or using tumblr for fun fandom things. I like it. It's fun. It's just something to think about and a personal challenge to start portraying Christ in EVERY aspect of my life. Also the pictures throughout the blog are screen shots of the first page of my tumblr  so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about. I didn't hide or add anything  before taking these it is what it is. Although some of them are reblogs and not every comment is something I've written so I apologize for any cussing or anything...I try to never reblog things like that but sometimes I reblog a picture before reading the comments or people's tumblr handles.

"We ought always to try to influence others for good." - Anne Of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery

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