Monday, June 15, 2015

All My Harry Potter Lists

     Last night I finished reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows for the first time. I have now read all of the books...and let me tell you, I cried for a good 15 minutes after I finished the books. I've read tons of book series and hundreds upon hundreds of books in my lifetime, and yet no books series quite attached itself to my heart the way this one has. It physically aches me that it's over. So in order to ease the pain of finishing Harry Potter I decided to make some Harry Potter related lists. I also put a limit on 10 for each list because there are so many.

List One - Favorite Characters (In Order)
1. Fred Weasley
2. Neville Longbottom
3. Minerva McGonagall
4. Molly Weasley
5. Ginny Weasley
6. Ron Weasley
7. Arthur Weasley
8. Hermione Granger
9. George Weasley
10. Luna Lovegood

List Number Two - Brave Men (other than Snape) Harry could have named his son after.
I'm making this list because even when all was said and done maybe I felt more sympathy for Snape or whatever...but I still didn't like him, and there were so many other brave men in Harry's life, braver than Snape, that he could have named Albus Severous after.
1. Fred Weasley
2. Remus Lupin
3. Hagrid (I mean THIS MAN!)
4. Neville Longbottom
5. Frank Longbottom (maybe he didn't actually know him but still)
6. Arthur
7. Dobby...he could have a child named Dobby!
8. Cedric Diggory!
9. Colin Creevey
10. Madeye

I was going to make a list called People That Could Have Died Instead of Fred but I decided againts it for fear. Seriously though,,,,WHY FRED?!?! Okay I hope you enjoyed it a little but and maybe I'll get over my pain eventually.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

20 Minutes With Thurman

    A couple weeks ago I had the honor of meeting a man named Thurman, he and his wife came into the store where I work and while his wife shopped Thurman sat on a bench in an entry way. They walked in and his wife asked if there was a place that he could sit and then she went on to explain that he has alzheimers and he wouldn't be able to go up and down the stairs, and that it would be easier on him if he could sit somewhere and wait. We agreed and before she went downstairs she told us her name and his and to come get her if he got too anxious.
     He was fine for a while and then he started getting anxious and got up and went to look for his wife and my co-worker talked to him and got him to calm down and sit and he was fine. A few minutes same thing. After the third time he was getting very anxious so my co-worker went to tell his wife and I just decided to go sit with him. I've never been around someone going through that so I honestly didn't know if my presence would help or if it would make him more nervous. I grabbed a couple Missouri Conservationist off of our magazine rack and sat down next to him. He was really excited that I knew his name, and he introduced himself to me and I to him and then we looked through one of the magazines together. He told me about how much he loves fishing and how he's always wanted to go quail hunting.
     A few minutes into our conversation he literally blinked once, looked at me and went, "Hi, I'm I know you? Have we met?" I told him we had just met and we were new friends and told him my name, he relaxed and started looking at the magazine and he told me the same stories. This time he told me he was born in 1925, and he wasn't sure how old that made him but he was pretty sure he was 35. A few minutes went passed and soon we had to do introductions again. At this point I started to tear up because I couldn't even begin to imagine what this was like for him or his family. How awful this must be for everyone who loved him. It broke my heart to have to imagine having to go through this. Gently, Thurman reached over and took my hand.
      "Don't cry, I don't like seeing people cry, there's no sense in it. There's so much badness in the world but you can't let it steal your joy. I would never do anything to make anyone feel bad. I believe in working hard, believing in each other, love, and kindness. We must always be kind to those around us, always care for everyone. We can't hurt each other, we need each other too much."
      About that moment his wife walked by and waved at us on her way to the register. Thurman lit up, "Do you see her? She's mine...isn't she beautiful?" I nodded and told her of course she is. His eyes softened and he held my hand tighter, "she's the kindest woman I've ever known. I just couldn't stand being with a woman who was unkind or cantankerous, nope couldn't handle that. But her, she's so kind and gentle. She'd do anything for anybody, give you the clothes off her back, she's just like that. She's an incredible woman that one is."
     After that we just sat silent, hand in hand, waiting for his wife to come through the check out. She did and when she came out she thanked me for sitting with her husband, but really I was the one who should have been thanking her. As he got up to go he turned around to shake my hand, "It was nice meeting you young lady, maybe I'll see you again real soon." If I ever do see Thurman again he won't remember me, he won't know he ever sat with me on a bench inside of a store. I however, will never forget Thurman. Even in the midst of all he was going through he didn't forget the important things. He didn't forget who he was, and he didn't forget to pass on his wisdom. Thurman is right we have to believe in hard work, each other, love, and kindness because there is so much darkness in the world. We have to remember that we need each other and not to let the world steal our joy.
~ Carrots